The new RF NA (network analysis) and ZA (impedance analysis) options introduced by Agilent Technologies Inc. for its ENA Series E5061B 5-Hz to 3-GHz vector network analyzer increase the analyzer’s frequency range, speed, upgradability and versatility. Thomas Net reports that these options allow the analyzer to deliver solid performance for basic RF network and impedance measurements at a reasonable price.
“‘As a general-purpose low frequency-to-RF network analyzer that can be used for a variety of network measurements, the ENA series E5061B delivers excellent RF performance and an accurate low-frequency measurement capability,’ said Akira Nukiyama, vice president and general manager of Agilent Technologies’ component test division, Japan. ‘The new options further extend the E5061B’s functionality to enable faster, more efficient development, making it ideal for a broad range of customer applications, including general R&D, research/education and manufacturing.'”