The planned World IPv6 Day on June 8th by several of the Internet’s most popular Web sites – including Facebook, Google and Yahoo, has support from Canada’s Andree Toonk, network architect at BCNET, the research network in British Columbia. Toonk sees the initiative as a good opportunity to see real life traffic as well as creating awareness. IT World Canada reports that although it is unknown how many Canadian sites will participate in the event, Toonk has expressed concern over the few carriers offering IPv6 transit to independent Internet providers, who resell connectivity to consumers and businesses. To date only two Canadian-based commercial transit providers resell IPv6: Peer1 Networks and Shaw Communications Inc. Now other major phone or cable company sells IPv6 transit.
“‘I believe the World IPv6 day is an excellent initiative,’ said Andree Toonk, network architect at BCNET, the research network in British Columbia. ‘Not only will it increase the IPv6 awareness, but it will also give content providers much needed real life high volume traffic.'”