Why Videoconferencing Is the Right Choice
The ability to engage in videoconferencing offers a multitude of benefits and is widely utilized by firms both large and small.
Corralling employees into one place at the same time for product briefings, status updates, project meetings and other necessary gatherings can be a logistical challenge as well as a costly undertaking, especially given that more and more workers perform their duties off-site. All those rental cars and flights add up quickly, and time spent traveling is work time lost.
Videoconferencing offers organizations a way to get that important “face time” without having to shell out all that money on transportation. Depending on the degree of necessity and frequency of face-to-face meetings within your business, a videoconferencing solution may present significant cost reduction opportunities.
If you’ve already begun the process of looking at videoconferencing solution vendors and narrowed your list down to the top contenders, it’s time to issue an RFP and get the bidding process underway.
Info-Tech Research Group’s Videoconferencing Solution RFP Template helps you start the vendor selection process after you’ve already determined your selection criteria. The template includes customizable sections that cover:
- Statement of Work
- Proposal Preparation Instructions
- Scope of Work, Specifications and Requirements
- Vendor Qualifications and References
- Budget and Estimated Pricing